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USA Hockey Safe Sport Program

USA Hockey Safe Sport

The safety of its participants is of paramount importance to USA Hockey. USA Hockey Safe Sport is the organization's program related to off-ice safety.

USA Hockey has long had systems in place to protect its participants from physical abuse, sexual abuse and other types of abuse and misconduct that can be harmful to youth hockey players and other participants. These include without limitation Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Screening, Locker Room Supervision and Hazing Policies, in addition to Codes of Conduct applicable to administrators, coaches, officials, parents, players and spectators. The USA Hockey Safe Sport Handbook is intended to update and collect USA Hockey’s various policies to protect its participants from all types of misconduct and abuse.

Any persons banned or suspended by the Center for SafeSport as a result of a SafeSport violation can be searched by name and sport through the link below.

The U.S. Center for SafeSport is an independent nonprofit organization responsible for responding to and preventing emotional, physical, and sexual misconduct and abuse in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement. The Center also serves as an educational resource for sports organizations at all levels, from recreational sports organizations to professional leagues.

Safe Sport Handbook

Quick Links

Attention: USA Hockey’s Safe Sport Program/Handbook has been updated as of Dec. 31, 2024. Please click here for a copy of the revised USA Hockey Safe Sport Handbook.

Resources & Downloads

Find many resources and downloads, including policies, reporting forms and other important links.

Meet Our Team

Casey Jorgensen
General Counsel

Ben Tronnes
Associate General Counsel

Don Pino
USA Hockey Safe Sport Program Manager
Phone: (719) 538-1150

Zero Tolerance Policies

USA Hockey has ZERO TOLERANCE for abuse and misconduct.

This Safe Sport Handbook includes the various Policies that apply to all USA Hockey Member Programs.  Those Policies address

  • Sexual Abuse
  • Physical Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Bullying, Threats and Harassment
  • Hazing

The Policies also address areas where misconduct can occur and are intended to reduce the risk of potential abuse, including:

  • Locker Room Policy
  • Electronic Communications Policy
  • Travel Policy
  • Billeting Policy

In addition to Policies, the Safe Sport Handbook includes information about  the available and required Training of USA Hockey and its Member Programs’ employees, volunteers, administrators, coaches, parents and players on recognizing and reducing circumstances for potential abuse to occur; information on USA Hockey’s Screening and Background Check Program; the availability and procedures for any person to Report suspected abuse or misconduct (including protections from any retaliation or repercussions for such reporting); the procedures and means by which USA Hockey and its Member Programs should Respond to allegations of abuse and misconduct; and how USA Hockey and its Member Programs will Monitor and Supervise the Safe Sport Program to help ensure its effectiveness.

By combining all of these elements into a comprehensive Safe Sport Program, USA Hockey intends to create the safest possible environment for participation in hockey.