Each USA Hockey Affiliate shall have shall have an Affiliate Safe Sport Coordinator whose duties will include monitoring the training of local program administrators and others within the Affiliate, serving as the Affiliate’s initial contact for persons reporting suspected abuse, misconduct or other violations, compiling information on disciplinary issues within the Affiliate and, when appropriate, reporting such information to USA Hockey.
Under USA Hockey’s Reporting Policy, reports of suspected abuse or actual or perceived violations of the USA Hockey Safe Sport Policies may be made to USA Hockey or to the appropriate Affiliate Safe Sport Coordinator. Contact information for each of the Affiliate Safe Sport Coordinators is posted below.
If you wish to make a report pursuant to the USA Hockey Safe Sport Program, you can find information on the "Making a Report" page, or in the Safe Sport Handbook to make a report directly to USA Hockey. You can also make a report through the U.S. Center For SafeSport.
Casey Jorgensen
General Counsel
Email: cjorgensen@usahockey.org
Ben Tronnes
Associate General Counsel
Email: ben.tronnes@usahockey.org
Don Pino
Safe Sport Program Manager
Phone: (719) 538-1150
Email: don.pino@usahockey.org
Emily McGuire
Safe Sport Compliance Specialist and Paralegal
Phone: (719) 538-1145
Email: emily.mcguire@usahockey.org>
Junior Hockey | Scott Gray | (612) 349-9512 | sgray@metrolegal.com |
Alaska State Hockey Association | Gina Hoke | (907) 259-5055 | gzhoke@yahoo.com |
Amateur Hockey Association Illinois Inc | Julie Rancourt | (614) 607-4295 | safesport@ahai2.org |
Arizona Amateur Hockey Association | Scott Gray | (612) 349-9512 | sgray@metrolegal.com |
Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association (DE, EPA, NJ) | Peter Rothman | (610) 721-4378 | prothman@aahahockey.org |
California Amateur Hockey Association | Scott Gray | (612) 349-9512 | safesport@caha.com |
Carolina Amateur Hockey Association Inc (NC, SC) | Matt Hurley | (919) 322-6862 | safesportcaha@gmail.com |
Colorado Amateur Hockey Association | Neesha Lenzini | (303) 908-0188 | safesport1@coloradohockey.org |
Connecticut Hockey Conference | Traci Lacoseglio | (203)-246-2416 | tracilacoseglio@gmail.com |
Idaho Amateur Hockey Association | Mark Enegren | (208) 446-3260 | iahascc@enegren.us |
Land of Enchantment (NM) Amateur Hockey Association | Terrence Firman | (505) 350-1272 | nmsafesport@gmail.com |
Maine Amateur Hockey Association | Tori Dunphy | (207) 481-0171 | tredunphy@gmail.com |
Massachusetts Hockey | Scott Gray | (612) 685-0406 | SafeSport@mahockey.org |
Michigan Amateur Hockey Association | Jason Reynolds | 734-748-3707 | jreynolds@maha.org |
Mid-American Hockey Association (IN ,KY, OH, WPA, WV) | Scott Gray | (612) 349-9512 | sgray@metroleagl.com |
Mid-West Amateur Hockey Assocation (IA, KS, NE) | Doug Dorley | (913) 624-4241 | bgsu6066@gmail.com |
Minnesota Hockey | Scott Gray | (612) 349-9512 | sgray@metrolegal.com |
Missouri Hockey Inc | Scott Gray | (612) 349-9512 | sgray@metrolegal.com |
Montana Amateur Hockey Association | Kari Riley | (406) 945-4291 | mahasafesport@yahoo.com |
Nevada Amateur Hockey Association | Scott Allegrini | (661) 212-5785 | scott@lasvegasice.com |
New Hampshire Amateur Hockey Association | Mary Francis | 978-766-1046 | safesport@nhhockey.com |
New York State Amateur Hockey Association | Scott Gray | (612) 349-9512 | sgray@metrolegal.com |
North Dakota Amateur Hockey Association | Terry Halstengard | (701) 391-0951 | thalstengard@aol.com |
Oregon State Hockey Association | Jason Vaillancourt | (503) 704-8482 | Jason.Vaillancourt@oregonstatehockey.com |
Pacific Northwest Amateur Hockey Association (WA) | Nicole Adams | (509) 714-2998 | safesport@pnaha.com |
Potomac Valley Amateur Hockey Association Inc (DC, MD, VA) | Keith Williams | (301) 310-3400 | safesport.pvaha@gmail.com |
Rhode Island Amateur Hockey Association | Larry Birmingham | (401) 864-7820 | loggi6@icloud.com |
South Dakota Amateur Hockey Association | Stacie French | (605) 381-9792 | safesport@sdaha.org |
Southern Amateur Hockey Association Inc (AL, AR, GA, LA, MS, TN) | Paul Dixon | (770) 772-8852 | sk82goal@gmail.com |
Statewide Amateur Hockey of Florida Inc | Shirin Rustomji | (407) 916-2556 | srustomji@shirinlaw.com |
Texas Amateur Hockey Association (TX, OK) | John McManaman | (940) 733-0215 | jmcmanaman@alleneventcenter.com |
Utah Amateur Hockey Association | Wendy Radke | (435) 640-2644 | utahsafesport@gmail.com |
Vermont Amateur Hockey Association | Raymond St Pierre | (802) 316-9517 | rstpierre@neair.com |
Wisconsin Amateur Hockey Association | Chuck Anger | (715) 559-8770 | chuck.anger@wahahockey.com |
Wyoming Amateur Hockey Association | Shawna Prather | (307) 851-0483 | wyomingsafesport@gmail.com |