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10th Anniversary Logo Unveiled for Labatt Blue/USA Hockey Pond Hockey National Championship

By, 07/29/14, 2:15PM MDT


USA Hockey unveiled the 10th anniversary logo for the Labatt Blue/USA Hockey Pond Hockey National Championship on Tuesday.

The tournament's tenth iteration will take place on Dollar Lake in Eagle River, Wis., February 6-8 and continues to be one of the most popular events on the USA Hockey calendar.

USA Hockey will release more details surrounding the anniversary celebration in the coming months.

Registration Records Smashed

Anticipation for the open registration was high and pond hockey enthusiasts delivered a record-setting day.

  • In just ten minutes, more than 300 teams registered.
  • The first division sold out in less than three minutes.
  • More than 1,000 people were on the website vying for the roughly 350 open team slots.
  • The USA Hockey Adult Events App, which provides unique access to the pond hockey tournament as well as all USA Hockey adult events, has spiked with more than 250 downloads since registration day.

New Promotional Video Launched

USA Hockey also released a new promotional video for the pond hockey tournament featuring clips from the picturesque scene on Dollar Lake. Check out the video and share with friends on YouTube!

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