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Fraudulent HECC Certification Warning

By USA Hockey, 12/06/24, 1:45PM MST


Helmets manufactured by Prime are not HECC Certified

The Hockey Equipment Certification Council has become aware that the equipment brand “Prime” is offering helmets for sale with a fraudulent HECC certification label.

“Prime” helmets are not HECC certified. The helmet manufacturer is not a HECC partner, and any HECC sticker applied to its products are done so without the authorization of HECC.

Please refer to the Certified Products list on for a full list of HECC certified products.

Any consumer that has purchased a “Prime” helmet affixed with a HECC label is encouraged to contact HECC General Counsel Ryan W. Miosek, Esq. via email at RMIOSEK@MIOSEKLAW.COM or call him at (802) 362-2240.