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Changes to Officials’ Online Registration Process

By Steve Mann, 05/01/24, 1:45PM MDT


USA Hockey is committed to providing a positive experience for its member officials, both inside and outside of the rink. With that top of mind, some changes have been implemented (with more on the way) to make its online registration and membership processes more seamless for all involved.

“We are consistently reviewing our processes to see how we can improve the user experience,” said Dave LaBuda, USA Hockey National Referee-in-Chief. “It came to a point where the old systems no longer met our needs, so we’ve embarked on a new endeavor to update software, platforms and equipment. We’re looking forward to being able to provide the level of customer service that our membership deserves.”

According to LaBuda, the updates will be implemented over the next two years. The most noteworthy changes are:

• Registration for officials for the 2024-25 season opens on June 1. Officials will only need to register online, attend an online virtual seminar and complete the required background check and SafeSport training, if it is age required. Officials will not need to complete a separate rules exam or modules as part of the process for the 2024-25 season. 

• By the 2025-26 season, new hardware and software platforms will be in place, highlighted by a new learning platform. Previous registration requirements, including rules exam and individual modules, will once again be required.

“Our objective, not only as a program, but also as a National Governing Body, is to implement systems and platforms that make our members’ registration and educational experiences user-friendly, efficient and reliable,” LaBuda said. “The officiating program leadership, along with all of the USA Hockey staff, are committed to this outcome and are actively working to achieve those objectives.”

For more information, officials should visit:

Officials Homepage

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