The hockey world celebrated the 15th annual Hockey Week Across America coast to coast last week (Feb. 28-March 6), highlighted by 7,500 new children trying the sport on Saturday (March 5) for the very first time as part of Try Hockey for Free Day, presented by Sports Engine. Thanks to USA Hockey volunteers across the country and countless others, new families were introduced to the sport at more than 200 rinks in 41 states.
“Hockey Week Across America is a signature event on the calendar each season,” said Pat Kelleher, executive director of USA Hockey. “and our thanks to everyone in the hockey community who played a part in its success. It's a great way to shine a light on our sport and also welcome new kids and families through our national Try Hockey For Free Day."
Each day of Hockey Week Across America had a unique theme including: USA Day (Mon.), Hockey is For Everyone Day (Tues.), Stick Salute Day (Wed.), Hockey History Day (Thur.), Wear Your Favorite Hockey Jersey Day (Fri.), Try Hockey for Free Day (Sat.) and Welcome to Hockey Day (Sun.)
Friday marked the fan-favorite “Wear Your Favorite Jersey Day,” where hockey families and fans across the nation sported their favorite jerseys. One lucky fan won a USA Hockey replica jersey courtesy of Chipotle.
Saturday’s Try Hockey Day was highlighted by USA Hockey’s national Try Hockey for Free Day and equipment was provided for children to use free of charge including skates, pads, helmets and sticks at host sites. Thousands of USA Hockey-certified coaches and volunteers provided instruction and engagement to children stepping onto the ice for the first time.
Sunday finished Hockey Week Across America with parent advice for new families, welcoming them into the sport
NOTES: SportsEngine, CCM Hockey and Pure Hockey are official sponsors of Try Hockey for Free Days … To date, USA hockey has introduced some 232,500 children to the sport through its national Try Hockey for Free days … For more information about Hockey Week Across America, click here … For more information about Try Hockey for Free Day presented by SportsEngine, click here.