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Weekend Hockey Challenge: Goal Setting

By USA Hockey, 07/17/20, 7:45AM MDT


List your goals for the season for a chance at True Hockey prizing

You’re in the heat of summer training, rinks are beginning to re-open and next season is right around the corner! It’s time to identify what you want to accomplish during the upcoming season.

This weekend, we’re challenging you to establish three goals that you’d like to achieve next year for a chance to win True Hockey prizes. 

This could include on-ice accomplishments like improving your shot or developing better rebound control. Putting in an hour of extra work at the gym or at home each week or working on the mental side of being an athlete are both great off-ice activities to think about as well. 

How To Participate:

Post your three goals on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and use #WeekendHockeyChallenge before the end of the weekend for a chance to win some awesome prizes from True Hockey.

And make sure you save these goals somewhere so you can focus on them throughout the season. We may check in with you in a few months to see how you’re doing!

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Brandon Beaver and Maureen Thompson