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USA Hockey Coaches & Officiating Course Registration FAQ

Q. I need to change 'My Profile' or membership information

A. To update your membership information, go to the settings page by clicking on the gear icon in the navigation bar. If you membership information has been updated with USA Hockey, but is not appearing on your profile page, click the "Refresh" icon at the top of your profile page.

Q. I want to contact my course instructor

A. Your course receipt includes a link to contact your instructor. You can review this receipt by going to the "My Profile" page, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking on the receipt icon for the course.

Q. I want to change or cancel my course registration

A.You can manage your course registrations from the "My Profile" page. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will see a listing of all of your course registrations. You can use the links provided there to review your receipt, transfer or cancel a registration.

Q. I have a question about coaching certification requirements

A. Coaching certification requirements are listed here:

Q. I need a duplicate receipt to be reimbursed from my association

A. Go to the "My profile" page, and then scroll to the bottom of the page where all of your course registrations will be listed. On the far right there is a link that will allow you to review your receipt.

Q. I want to register my under-18 child for a coaching clinic

A. Student coach information is located here:

Q. I am under 18 and want to register for a coaching clinic

A. Student coach information is located here:

Q. I have a question regarding my upcoming officials seminar

A. Your course receipt includes a link to contact your instructor. You can review this receipt by going to the "My Profile" page, scrolling to the bottom, and clicking on the receipt icon for the course.

Q. I have a question regarding seminar schedules or upcoming seminars

A. Please contact your local district for a schedule of upcoming seminars. Click here for the USA Hockey Officiating Program district directory.

Q. I have a question regarding Officiating Level eligibility or steps to complete registration

A. Officiating registration rules and policies are located here:

Q. I have a question about attending a different level seminar from what I initially registered as

A. Officiating registration rules and policies are located here:

Q. I have not received credit for my completed Officiating Seminar

A. Please contact the course instructor. If you still need assistance contact USA Hockey

Q. When should I expect attendance credit for my seminar to appear

A. Please contact the course instructor. If you still need assistance contact USA Hockey