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Association Leadership and Governance Resources

We understand that youth hockey leaders are short on time.
Let us provide you with the resources that will help you minimize the guesswork and maximize efficiency.

Club Excellence

Club Excellence is an online portal currently in development designed to walk youth hockey board leadership through the day-to-day needs of running a successful youth hockey association.

Each leader has a job description, monthly tasks and a resource center with quick reference templates and best practice guides that relate to their association role.

In addition, youth associations will be able to add custom roles and tasks unique to their association. This creates an all-encompassing online resource that will help each season with volunteer retention and make the season easier to navigate for new board members. 

If you would like to learn more about available Club Excellence resources, please contact

Resources to Grow Your Association Membership

Communicating With Your Membership

Creating A Relationship With Your Rink

Crushing Your Goals